46 Emek Refaim Street, German Colony, Jerusalem Tel: 077-214-7755, 02-5635577
Kashrut: Meat glatt. vegetables Gush Katif.
All products are mehadrin. Hashgacha is Rabbanut Yerusahalayim
Open Sunday - Thursday: 11:30 am till 12:00 midnight. Friday till one hour before Shabbat.
After Shabbat till 12:00 midnight. Closed Shabbat.
Take a Sabra chef home from his South American trek, two American expats as diners, a former Russian waiter, and put them in the heart of the German Colony in Jerusalem. That in a nutshell is the mélange of La Boca Latin restaurant.
Chef Guy Kimchi gave up some of his Rio carnival time and sunbathing and trekking in Guatemala, and used his time abroad to collect recipes from all over Latin America for future use in his Spanish concept restaurant. As there are more Spanish speaking countries than English speaking countries, the diversity in the cuisine is apparent. While we may be familiar with Mexican fast food or South American grills, there is much more to taste from this corner of the world. And to our delight, easily adapted to Kashrut.
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