Dairy Restaurant
Lev Haemek Center, 80 Emek Haelah, Modiin
Tel: 08-9265873
Kashrut: Rabbanut Modiin, Mehadrin
Open Sunday - Thursday 9:00am till midnight. Fridays: 8:00am till 3:00pm.
Motzai Shabbat: One hour after Shabbat till midnight. Closed Shabbat.
Cafein is a charming dairy restaurant in a corner of the Lev Haemek Center. The Emek in question is Emek Haelah, which is no kind of valley, but a major thoroughfare running through the Shimshoni neighborhood of Modiin. Shimshoni may not be known for its dati community, yet kashrut is alive and well at this center judging by the many food shops that have a teudat kashrut
The Lev Haemek Center has outdoor parking around the circumference of the building and some underground parking. Though Lev Haemek is not one of the big and busy centers, it is easy to find and is quite convenient.
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very nice place . great Dessert .