We had bid on an eluna.com auction and won the dinner voucher valued at 200 NIS. When we called to make a reservation we were told that the regular chef Gad Yaari was away and that it would be worth our while to wait for his return. So a couple of days ago, we called the restaurant and after determining that Gad was back, we made a reservation for dinner.
First a few words about the restaurant and the chef.
Maalot is located at 7 Maalot Street, which is a small side street that runs off King George just
The restaurant is small, with a few tables inside and a few on a fenced patio facing the street. It is simply furnished and has a very relaxed atmosphere. If you were looking for a very elegant place to eat, this is not the place for you. But if you are looking for good food and good service, you have come to the right place.
The hashgacha is Rabbanut Yerushalayim, tho' Gad told us that all the meat that he uses is glatt/chalak, the fowl is all mehadrin, the veggies are all chaslat and it is all bishul yisrael.
See more about this restaurant and take a free 10% discount coupon at eLuna.com
Lovely and informative post of one of our favorite restaurants. Not that you need it -- but the Dearly Beloved and I can vouch for all of your remarks. May this fine restaurant and the Yaari family be very successful!